We join America in thanking our many veterans every day, but especially on this day. The day that celebrates the sacrifices that have been made to give us the ability to live the lives we lead.
This is especially important to us as a company.
Not only are we personally aware of the freedom we have to run a women-owned business in the way that we choose, but also because one of our partners, Nicole Driver, is part of a military family.
Nicole’s husband, Mark Driver, has just completed a successful 29-year career as a military pilot, first with the U.S. Army and then with the U.S. Coast Guard. Throughout his career, he flew many different aircraft, participated in search and rescue missions, distributed life-saving supplies to those in need, and intercepted drug smugglers, among other important work. He has been stationed in 10 different locations and his missions have taken him to 50 nations and remote island locations. We might be a little biased, but we think his career has been pretty impressive!

Throughout the years, Nicole has worked two jobs – graphic designer and mother of 3, the latter being the hardest! Their two sons and daughter have learned how to adapt to different homes and different cultures and have witnessed how hard their father worked throughout his career. It is a true blessing that they were always lucky enough to have Mark return safely from his missions – we can never forget how many have given their lives in sacrifice for the amazing freedoms that we take for granted every day.
A new phase
Now that Mark has retired this past July, he is getting used to his new position: domestic engineer. While Nicole continues to be an integral part of Annatto, he is happily learning the ins and outs of doctors visits, school functions, and bus schedules.

The Drivers have finally settled into a permanent home and we are so thankful to have them as part of Annatto’s extended team. They may not understand Nicole’s obsession with fonts (but we do), or how there can be SO many shades of red (the perfect color is hard to find), or why she listens to the same pop albums over and over while she’s working (eh… we don’t really understand this one either) but that doesn’t stop them from cheering each of our business victories, whether small or large. We thank you for your support and service throughout the years!
As we sit down today to create dynamic marketing pieces for our clients, we take a minute to honor those that have made it possible for us to do so.