To better serve our clients, we’re growing!
In addition to design, website and strategic marketing services, we now offer digital marketing strategy including Google Analytics, Facebook and Instagram advertising, SEO and integrated email campaigns.
The newest member of our team, Laura McDade has joined us to lead results-driven digital marketing campaigns for our clients.
For the past 15 years, Laura led digital marketing efforts for large corporations such as Citigroup and Constellation, a leading energy provider of power, natural gas, and renewable energy (now an Exelon company). For the Citi Financial Retail Services division of Citigroup, she experienced success in establishing the first digital marketing program. She went on to head another inaugural digital marketing program at Constellation, when the U.S. company went from being a B2B energy provider to launching its residential program. Today, the company reports 2 million customers.
Now Laura brings her analytical gift to Annatto
We are excited to add Laura to the team! Together we can help growing businesses optimize their organic search campaigns, paid digital marketing campaigns, email marketing and more “to get customers through your door.”
Laura moved to Georgia from New York with her husband, Aaron, their children, Ian and Emma, as well as Tucker, their pug and Colby, their shepherd mix. She has a Bachelor of Science in marketing/advertising from Towson University in Towson, Maryland.
Ready to learn more about how Laura and the rest of the Annatto team can help you? Contact us for a consultation!